Every three years, assess the condition of the soil and this should include as a minimum:
+ Areas that are steep and prone to erosion.
+ Soil texture.
+ Farming depth.
+ Compression, soil structure of the areas.
+ Soil moisture and water retention.
+ Drainage conditions.
+ Identify areas showing signs of nutritional deficiency by visual.
The assessment of the condition of the soil can be carried out on an individual farm or in
groups of similar farms or by regions where there are similar groups of farms by taking a
random sample or sampling at reference sites.
Farmers use techniques to maintain, improve, and combat deterioration of soil structure
and fertility.
Farmers use techniques to prevent soil erosion.
Maintain vegetation cover by methods: reduce herbicide use, manual weeding, machine
weeding, etc.
Use pruned branches (from crops and shade trees), weeds, and fallen leaves from shade
trees to cover the soil.
Prevent water from eroding the soil.
Planting vegetation along canals, ditches…
Planting trees along contour lines, planting vegetation on sloping land.
Compost, make organic fertilizer from farm waste and increase the use of organic
fertilizers. Compost it at least 25 meters away from any water source.
Check soil or foliar nutrients including macronutrients and organic matter. Testing is
carried out in areas with similar groups of farms by taking representative samples, once
every 3 years.